Sacramental Programme Registration Forms

Our Sacramental Programme registration is now open. You can download the forms from here or you can collect and return back to church. Please complete by October so we can begin the planning for all our Parish programmes for the coming year.

If you would like to have an electronic copy sent to you please email

Holy Communion Registration form - click here

Confirmation Registration form - click here

RCIA Registration form - click here

Youth Scripture Group Registration - click here

 In the Sacraments of the Church, we believe that we receive special Graces from God to give us strength and guidance in our Christian journey through life. We become members of the Church by a series of Sacraments of Initiation - Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion (Eucharist). In our human weakness, we receive God's forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Marriage and the love at the heart of the family is blessed and consecrated through the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, whilst those called to a union of special service in the church as deacons, priests or bishops receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders through the ministry of a Bishop. And then, those suffering from illness of any kind, can call upon God and his Church for the inner healing of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.

Please use the links on this page to find more information about the Sacraments and their administration in this parish of the Holy Spirit.

Sacramental Programme:

The parish Sacramental Programme in preparation for First Holy Communion is geared to children in Year 3 in Primary School (though older children who have missed the programme when they were in Year 3 are still welcome to join). This First Communion programme, (which will also bring the children to the Sacrament of First Reconciliation), begins with meetings for parents, but the most important aspect is not special meetings, events or courses for the children - it is simply about growing in their sense of belonging to the church family. Most of the preparation will be covered at sessions which take place on a Tuesday evening in church. The children take part in their sacramental lessons whilst parents meet to discuss how to support your child on their sacramental journey through prayers, discussions and activities.

The children are presented and welcomed into the Parish community before receiving the sacrament of reconciliation, and then the Eucharist. The children are encouraged to attend Mass on a regular basis during their preparations to receive Jesus for the first time. After all, when the children receive Holy Communion for the first time, they are, in effect, saying "Now I'm fully a part of this community, this Family of God!" What could mean more now, than simply growing accustomed to regular involvement in the Mass and really gaining that sense, with family and friends in prayer and worship, that they genuinely do belong?

In our parish we offer a sacramental programme which is for children who are older where they attend sessions on a Sunday at St Anne’s before going into Mass. This is for children who are in both Catholic and non-Catholic schools and offers them opportunities to grow closer to God whilst on their sacramental journey.



RCIA "Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults" is the preparation of adults for their reception into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. The programme structure varies depending on age, ability and, most substantially, whether or not the person is already a practicing Christian of another denomination. We just encourage your commitment to attend the sessions for you to be fully prepared to be received into the church. At any age, being received into the Catholic Church is a profound and joyous occasion, both for the new Catholic and for existing members of the parish community

The sessions take place from December until Easter tide and run on a Tuesday evening from 7pm until 9pm at St Anne’s Presbytery. They are run by the RCIA team and priests of the parish who are all knowledgeable in the Catholic faith and through discussions share experiences, faith, and links to scripture.

Anyone who is interested in this programme should speak firstly to the Parish Priest, (without any obligation). You will not be pressured in any way or at any stage. You can speak to them after any Mass, make contact through the Facebook page or fill in the contact form on the website. The programme, should you choose to begin it, is a journey of discovery and a development of your deeper faith and beliefs. You will be encouraged to discover for yourself whether God is calling you into his Church at this moment or not. Should you choose to leave the programme or take a break until later, we will always respect your choice. This Faith journey is, after all, your own.

If you would like to find out more information before speaking to a priest you can visit the website