
“Safeguarding within the Diocese of Salford is of paramount importance and the Diocese is dedicated to promoting the safeguarding of all children and adults at risk within its community. Salford Diocese aims to proactively embed a culture of safeguarding to prevent abuse occurring in the first instance and to provide support to individuals who have been hurt by abuse, and take the necessary actions to reduce the likelihood of further harm. Safeguarding staff within the Diocese liaise closely with statutory agencies to ensure that any allegations of abuse are promptly and thoroughly investigated and where appropriate, survivors supported and perpetrators held to account.” (From the Diocesan website)

In line with diocesan policy, we in the Parish of The Holy Spirit East Manchester undertake to do everything we can to ensure a safe environment for all our parishioners and visitors, and especially for the most vulnerable. All our parish workers and volunteers who have contact with children or vulnerable adults are required to have checks made with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is described as: -

The process of protecting children from abuse or neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they are growing up in circumstances to have optimum life chances and enter adulthood successfully… Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

The definition of Safeguarding adults at risk is described as: -

Action to prevent abuse or to protect persons thought to be at risk of abuse or neglect or poor standards of care by any other person or persons that violates their human and civil rights.

If you have any safeguarding concerns, our parish Safeguarding Representatives Adele McIver and Julie Welsby are here to help you. Their contact details are displayed at the back of church and on the Parish Centre noticeboard. Feel free to contact them. 

 If you wish to report any safeguarding concerns, past or present, please email or call us on: 0161 817 2206

Alternatively, you can contact the diocesan safeguarding co-ordinator:

Safeguarding Officer / Interim Safeguarding Coordinator – Jenny Clayton: / 0161 817 2206 / 07436 157006

Parish Safeguarding Representatives:

In the Parish of the Holy Spirit if you have any Safeguarding worries or concerns you can speak to the Safeguarding representatives:

Adele McIver

Julie Welsby

They are here to help and support you in anyway and if you are in need to talk, please speak to them at any time.

For any information about Safeguarding, in all churches there are boards with information about Safeguarding and the support which is available from the Parish and the Safeguarding teams.

As a Parish we ensure that all Safeguarding measures are taken to look after and protect the safety and welfare of everyone in our Parish.


To Safeguard all the children in the Parish, we ask that all children are accompanied to the toilet in all churches and that they are not left unattended at any time. This is to ensure that they are safe.

We also ask that children are not to light candles by themselves in church and that they are accompanied by an adult to light candles.